Tallinn University of Technology
Chair for Computer Hardware and Diagnostics

Research Results (2000 - 2007)

Head of the Chair:  Prof. Raimund Ubar

The main research results obtained in the recent years by the staff and students at the chair belong to the following fields of Digital Design and Test:

·       Diagnostic Modeling of Digital Systems

Research results during 1992-1999


Diagnostic Modeling of Digital Systems

A lot of scientific interests of our research group has been devoted to the investigations of decision diagrams as mathematical models for diagnostic simulation of digital circuits and systems. In this field of basic research, our department has a pioneering position with introducing Structurally Synthesized Binary Decision Diagrams (SSBDD) as a special class of BDDs for logic level diagnostic modeling of digital systems, and generalizing the BDDs for using at higher level abstractions of digital systems [13].

The main difference of SSBDDs compared to the traditional BDDs is in the novelty of representing in BDDs the structural properties of logic circuits along their functions. Differently from BDDs, which are generated by Shannon’s expansion, SSBDDs are generated by a superposition procedure directly from the circuit description which allowed to represent in the model one-to-one mapping between the fault sites in circuit and nodes in SSBDDs. A formal definition of SSBDDs is given in [9]. Optimization possibilities of SSBDDs are discussed in [8]. Promising results have been obtained by SSBDDs in logic simulation [5,6,8], timing and delay simulation [4], design error diagnosis [1], and in test generation [10 ].

A uniform multi-level model for digital systems based on DDs as an extension and generalization of the BDDs has been also developed by the group [11-15]. The DD model allowed us to develop efficient methods for simulating digital systems in a very fast way by uniform algorithms at different logic, RTL, ISA or behavioral levels [2,3].


1.     A.Jutman, R.Ubar. Design Error Diagnosis in Digital Circuits with Stuck-at Fault Model. Journal of Microelectronics Reliability. Pergamon Press, Vol. 40, No 2, 2000, pp.307-320.

2.     R.Ubar, A.Morawiec, J.Raik. Cycle-Based Simulation Algorithms for Digital Systems Using High-Level Decision Diagrams. IEEE Proc. of  Design Automation and Test in Europe. Paris, March  27-30, 2000, pp. 743.

3.     R.Ubar, A.Morawiec, J.Raik. Back-Tracing and Event-Driven Techniques in High-Level Simulation with Decision Diagrams. IEEE ISCAS’2000 Conference, Geneva, May 28-31, 2000, Vol. 1, pp. 208-211.

4.     A.Jutman, R.Ubar. Application of Structurally Synthesized Binary Decision Diagrams for Timing Simulation of Digital Circuits. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, No 7/4, 2001, pp.269-288.

5.     A.Jutman, J.Raik, R.Ubar. On Efficient Logic-Level Simulation of Digital Circuits Represented by the SSBDD Model. 23rd Int. Conf. on Microelectronics. Nis, Yugoslavia, May 12-15 2002, Vol.2, pp.621-624.

6.     A. Jutman, J. Raik, R. Ubar. SSBDDs: Advantageous Model and Efficient Algorithms for Digital Circuit Modeling, Simulation & Test. 5th Int. Workshop on Boolean Problems. Freiberg, Germany, September 19-20, 2002, pp.157-166.

7.     R.Ubar. Decision Diagrams and Digital Test. Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Electronics, Control, Measurement and Signals, Liberec, Czechia, June 2-4, 2003, pp.266-273 (Invited plenary paper).

8.     R.Ubar, T.Vassiljeva, J.Raik, A.Jutman, M.Tombak, A.Peder. Optimization of Structurally Synthesized BDDs. The 4th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimization, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, August 17-19, 2004, pp.234-240.

9.     A.Jutman, A.Peder, J.Raik, M.Tombak, R.Ubar. Structurally Synthesized Binary Decision Diagrams. 6th International Workshop on Boolean Problems, Freiberg, Germany, Sept. 2004, pp.271-278.

10.  A.Matrosova, A.Pleshkov, R.Ubar. Construction of the Tests of Combinational Circuit Failures by Analyzing the Orthogonal Disjunctive Normal Forms Represented by the Alternative Graphs. J. of Automation and Remote Control. Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media B.V., 66 (2), 2005, pp. 313-327.

11.  R.Ubar. Decision Diagrams and Digital Test. 41th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials – MIDEM 2005, Ribno at Bled, Slovenia, Sept. 14.-16, 2005, pp.15-26. Invited plenary paper.

12.  R.Ubar. Decision Diagrams and Digital Test. Informacije MIDEM-Journal of Microelectronics Electronic Components and Materials, 35(4), 2005, pp.187 - 195.

13.  O.Novak, E.Gramatova, R.Ubar. Handbook of Electronic Testing. CTU Printhouse, Prague, 2005, 400 p.

14.  R.Ubar, T.Evartson, M.Kruus, H.Lensen, J.Raik. Diagnostic Modelling of Digital Systems with Multi-Level Decision Diagrams. Proc. of the 17th IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. Montreal, May 24.-26, 2006, pp. 207-212.

15.  R.Ubar, J.Raik, H.Kruus, H.Lensen, T.Evartson. Diagnostic Modelling of Digital Systems with Binary and High-Level Decision Diagrams. In “Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006”, Series: Mathematics in Industry, Subseries: The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry , Vol. 12, 2007.

Fault Models

A new methodology of probabilistic analysis of CMOS physical defects in integrated circuits [IC] for defect-oriented testing is proposed [1]. The methodology is based on identification and estimation of the probabilities of defects resulting from spot defects. To reduce the complexity of simulation transistor level defects, a uniform functional fault model was proposed for mapping physical defects to logic level [2,3]. The defects can be modeled by Boolean differential equations which solutions represent the defect activization conditions. The functional fault model can be regarded as a general interface for mapping faults from one system level to another, helping to carry out hierarchical test generation or hierarchical fault simulation in digital systems.

A special IC DefSim embedded into a research environment was developed for investigating CMOS physical defects (opens and shorts) in real conditions [4,5]. The defects are physically implemented in silicon in a big variety of locations inside a set of digital standard cells and small circuits. Two measurement methods are supported: voltage and IDDQ test.

The possibilities to represent high-level faults in decision diagrams used for test generation are investigated in [6-8]. A new class of sequentially untestable high-level faults was defined, called register input logic stuck-on faults [7]. We showed that it is possible to identify easily such faults from the register-transfer level description of the circuit. We proved also by experiments that the considered faults form a large subclass of all the untested faults.


1.    M.Blyzniuk, I.Kazymyra, W.Kuzmicz, W.A.Pleskacz, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Probabilistic Analysis of CMOS Physical Defects in VLSI Circuits for Test Coverage Improvements. Journal of Microelectronics Reliability. Pergamon Press. Vol  41/12, Dec. 2001, pp 2023-2040.

2.    R.Ubar. Mapping Physical Defects to Logic Level for Defect Oriented Testing. Proc. Of International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems – SCS 2003, Vol. 2, Iasi, Romania, July 10-11, 2003, pp.453-456.

3.    O.Novak, E.Gramatova, R.Ubar. Handbook of Electronic Testing. CTU Printhouse, Prague, 2005, 400 p.

4.    W.A.Pleskacz, T.Borejko, A.Walkanis, V.Stopjakova, A.Jutman, R.Ubar. DefSim: CMOS Defects on Chip for Research and Education. 7th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop, March 26-29, 2006, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp.74-79.

5.    T.Borejko, A.Jutman, W.Pleskacz, R.Ubar. DefSim: Measurement Environment for CMOS Defects. Proc. 25th International Conference on Microelectronics - MIEL, Vol. 2, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 14-17 May 2006, pp.679-682.

6.    J.Raik, R.Ubar. T.Viilukas. High-Level Decision Diagram based Fault Models for Targeting FSMs. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE EUROMICRO Conference on Digital Systems Design DSD2006, Katvat, Croatia, 2006, pp.353-358.

7.    J.Raik, R.Ubar, A.Krivenko, M.Kruus. Hierarchical Identification of Untestable Faults in Sequential Circuits. Proc. of 10th IEEE EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design - DSD 2007, Lübeck, Germany, August 27 - 31, 2007, pp.668-671.

8.    J.Raik, R.Ubar, T.Viilukas, M.Jenihhin. Mixed Hierarchical-Functional Fault Models for Targeting Sequential Cores. Journal of Systems Architecture, 2007.


Test Generation

A novel hierarchical approach to test pattern generation for sequential circuits described by mixed-level decision diagrams (DD) was developed [1,2]. Both, data and control parts of the design are handled in a uniform manner. The method combines deterministic and simulation-based techniques. To improve the efficiency of searching test patterns several improvements were developed like driving search by genetic algorithms [3], using testability guidance [4], and introducing a new type of functional fault model [5]. Based on the efficient use of low- and high-level DDs, a very fast register transfer level (RTL) test generator DECIDER [1,2,6] has been developed. It was shown that the proposed DD-based approach cn be used also in higher than RTL like behavioral or instruction set architectural levels [7]. A pure functional test generation method for finite state machines based on the description of solely state transistion diagrams (STD) ws developed. The method guarantees testing of all stuck-at faults in a two-level implementation of the sum-of-product forms of the next state logic and the output logic created from STD.


1.    J.Raik, R.Ubar. Fast Test Pattern Generation for Sequential Circuits Using Decision Diagram Representations. Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 213-226, 2000.

2.    R.Ubar, J.Raik. Efficient Hierarchical Approach to Test Generation for Digital Systems. 1st Int. Symp. on Quality of Electronic Design, San Jose, California, March 20-22, 2000, pp. 189-195.

3.    E.Ivask, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Fault Oriented Test Pattern Generator for Sequential Circuits Using Genetic Algorithms. 7th Baltic Electronics Conference, Tallinn, October 8-11, 2000, pp.129-132.

4.    R.Ubar, J.Raik, T.Nõmmeots. Testability Guided Hierarchical Test Generation with Decision Diagrams. 20th IEEE Conference NORCHIP’2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 11-12, 2002, pp.265-271.

5.    J.Raik, R.Ubar. Enhancing Hierarchical ATPG with a Functional Fault Model for Multiplexers. 7th IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems – DDECS 2004. Stara Lesna, Slovakia, April 18-21, 2004, pp. 219-222.

6.    J.Raik, A.Krivenko, R.Ubar. Comparative Analysis of Sequential Circuit Test Generation Approaches. Proc. of the 9th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, Oct. 3-6, 2004, Tallinn, pp.225-228.

7.    G.Jervan, R.Ubar, Z.Peng, P.Eles. Test Generation: A Hierarchical Approach. In “System-level Test and Validation of Hardware/Software Systems” by M.Sonza Reorda, Z.Peng, M.Violante. Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics, Vol.17, 2005, pp. 63-77.

8.    R.Ubar, M.Brik, A.Jutman, J.Raik, T.Bengtsson, S.Kumar. Functional Test Generation for Finite State Machines. Baltic Electronics Conference. Laulasmaa, Oct. 2006, pp.205-208.


Verification and Error Diagnosis

In the field of design error diagnosis, a new conception and method was developed, which allows to adopt in a straightforward way the methods and tools of fault diagnosis used in hardware testing for the use in design error diagnosis [1-2]. The main original features of the method are: hierarchical approach, based on using structurally synthesized BDDs and the idea of mapping stuck-at fault diagnosis into the final localization of the design error. A new approach for design error diagnosis was developed that does not exploit error models [3]. Based on diagnostic pre-analysis of the circuit, a subcircuit suspected to be erroneous is extracted. Opposite to other known works, re-synthesis of the subcircuit need not be applied to the whole function of the erroneous internal signal in terms of primary inputs, it may stop at arbitrary nodes inside the circuit. As the result the speed of rectification can be significantly increased

The research group has participated in verification related research in the framework of European 6th FP STREP project VERTIGO (2006-2008) and in the national Development Center programme (2004-2007). The international research partners include universities of Verona, Southampton and Linköping. As a result of these projects, High-level Decision Diagram (HLDD) based modeling for verification of register-transfer and system level digital systems has been developed [4,5]. Efficient methods for code coverage analysis and assertion checking [5] using HLDDs have been introduced.


1.    R.Ubar, D.Borrione. Design Error Diagnosis in Digital Circuits without Error Model. In VLSI: Systems on Chip, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp.281-292.

2.    A.Jutman, R.Ubar. Design Error Diagnosis in Digital Circuits with Stuck-at Fault Model. Journal of Microelectronics Reliability. Pergamon Press, Vol. 40, No 2, 2000, pp.307-320.

3.    R.Ubar. Design Error Diagnosis with Resynthesis in Combinational Circuits. Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications 19, 73-82, 2003. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

4.    G.Guglielmo, F.Fummi, M.Jenihhin, G.Pravadelli, J.Raik, R.Ubar. On the Combined Use of HLDDs and EFSMs for Functional ATPG. EWDTS, Jerevan, 2007, pp.503-508.

5.    M.Jenihhin, J.Raik, A.Chepurov, R.Ubar. Assertion Checking with PSL and High-Level Decision Diagrams. Diggest of Papers IEEE 8th Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing - WRTLT'07. Beijing, P.R.China, Oct. 12-13, 2007, pp.105-110.


Test Optimization

Several methods for static compaction of sequential circuit tests divided into independent test sequences have been developed and investigated [1-5].  A novel technique was proposed that implements effective representation of fault matrices by weighted bipartite graphs [2]. In [3] three approaches genetic, greedy and branch-and-bound algorithms were compared and discussed. It was shown how to prune the search space by using dominant relationships of faults and sequences. A method based on the branch-and-bound approach was proposed  in [4,5]. It includes a preprocessing step for determining the set of essential vectors. The search space was drastically reduced, and the proposed method offers significantly faster performance than earlier genetic algorithm based and general-purpose Boolean optimization methods.

The previous methods have scalability problems with the bigger benchmarks. We have introduced a set of novel techniques speeding up compaction for the larger tasks [6]. The new approach is based on enhanced implication procedures and ranking of decisions during branch-and-bound search. The experiments demonstrated improvement in orders of magnitude for designs that exceed thousand logic gates.


1.    J.Raik, A.Jutman, R.Ubar. Fast and Efficient Static Compaction of Test Sequences Based on Greedy Algorithms. Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems – DDECS‘2001, Györ, Hungary, April 18-20, 2001, pp.117-122.

2.    J.Raik, A.Jutman, R.Ubar. Fast Static Compaction of Test Sequences Using Implications and Greedy Search. Digest of European Test Workshop, Stockholm, May 29 – June 1, 20001, pp. 207-210.

3.    J.Raik, A.Jutman, R.Ubar. Fast Static Compaction of Tests Composed of Independent Sequences: Basic Properties and Comparison of Methods. Proc. of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems – ICECS’2002 Vol. II. Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 15-18, 2002, pp.445-448.

4.    J.Raik, A.Jutman, R.Ubar. Exact Static Compaction of Sequential Circuit Tests using branch-and-bound and Search State Registration, IEEE European Test Workshop, Corfu, Greece, May 26-29, 2002.

5.    J.Raik, A.Jutman, R.Ubar. Exact Static Compaction of Independent Test Sequences. Proceedings, BEC-2002, Tallinn, October 6-9, 2002, pp.315-318.

6.    I.Aleksejev, J.Raik, A.Jutman, R.Ubar. A Scalable Static Test Set Compaction Method for Sequential Circuits. LATW’2008. Submitted.


Fault Simulation

A new method for hierarchical fault simulation based on multi-level Decision Diagrams (DD) was developed [1-2]. We suppose that a register transfer (RT) level information along with gate-level descriptions for blocks of the RT level structure are available. Decision diagrams (DDs) are exploited as a uniform model for describing circuits at these representation levels. The approach proposed allows to reduce time expenses in the comparison to traditional gate-level fault simulation approach.

New gate-level fault simulation algorithms have been developed and investigated in [3-7]. As the basis for simulation, structurally synthesized BDDs were used to substitute the gate-level description with a higher macro-level network model. Converting gate-level circuits to the macro-level is accompanied with fault collapsing. As the result, the complexity of the model was reduced. In [3] deductive and concurrent methods were investigated, and the speed of simulation compared to the gate-level was increased. In [4-5] a novel parallel fault analysis method for SSBDDs was developed. For the faults at fanout stems a new full Boolean differential based parallel fault analysis algorithm was proposed. The algorithm is equivalent to exact critical path tracing. Because of the parallelism and higher abstraction level modeling the speed of analysis is considerably  increased. Experimental data showed that by the new method considerable speed up has been achieved compared to the popular commercial tools and other exact critical path tracing methods. In [6] additional improvements were introduced to improve the calculation model. A new method for topological analysis was suggested in [7] to generate an optimized model for backtracing of faults to minimize the repeated calculations because of the reconvergent fanouts. The speed of the fault analysis in several times outperforms the speed of the current state-of-the-art commercial fault simulators


1.    R.Ubar, J.Raik, E.Ivask, M.Brik. Multi-Level Fault Simulation of Digital Systems on Decision Diagrams. IEEE Workshop on Electronic Design, Test and Applications – DELTA’02, Christchurch, New Zealand, 29-31 January 2002, pp.86-91.

2.    R.Ubar, J.Raik, B.Klüver. Algorithms for hierarchical fault simulation in digital systems. Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. MIXDES 2003, Lodz, June 26-28, 2003, pp.530-535.

3.    J.Raik, R.Ubar, S.Devadze, A.Jutman. Efficient Single-Pattern Fault Simulation on Structurally Synthesized BDDs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3463, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2005, pp. 332-344.

4.    S.Devadze, J.Raik, A.Jutman, R.Ubar. Fault Simulation with Parallel Critical Path Tracing for Combinational Circuits Using Structurally Synthesized BDDs. 7th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop, March 26-29, 2006, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp.97-102.

5.    R.Ubar, S.Devadze, J.Raik, A.Jutman. Ultra Fast Parallel Fault Analysis on Structural BDDs. 12th IEEE European Test Symposium – ETS 2007, Freiburg, Germany, May 20-24, 2007, pp.131-136.

6.    R.Ubar, S.Devadze, J.Raik, A.Jutman. Parallel Fault Backtracing for Calculation of Fault Coverage. International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials MIDEM, Workshop on electronic testing. Bled, Slovenia, September 12-14, 2007, pp.165-170.

7.    R.Ubar, S.Devadze, J.Raik, A.Jutman. Fast Fault Simulation in Digital Circuits with Scan Path. 13th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference – ASP-DAC, Seoul, Korea, Jan. 21-24, 2008.


Timing Simulation and Delay Test

Meeting timing requirements is an important constraint imposed on highly integrated circuits, and the verification of timing of a circuit before manufacturing is one of the critical tasks to be solved by CAD tools. A new approach and the implementation of several algorithms to speed up gate-level timing simulation was proposed in [1,2]. Instead of gate delays, path delays for tree-like subcircuits (macros) are used. Therefore timing waveforms are calculated not for all internal nodes of the gate-level circuit but only for outputs of macros. The macros are represented by structurally synthesized BDDs (SSBDD) which enable a fast computation of delays for macros. In [3] it was shown that the speed-up of timing simulation is directly proportional to the average size of macros in the circuit.  In [4,5] a macro level method for delay fault simulation was proposed which outperformed the performance of the gate-level analog.

Testing of high density System-on-Chips (SoC) operating at high clock speeds is an important but difficult problem. Many faults, like delay faults, in such sub-micron chips may only appear when the chip works at normal operating speed and can only be detected by at-speed testing. We have proposed a methodology for at-speed testing delay faults in links connecting two distinct clock domains in a SoC [6-7]. Since most Network-on-Chip (NoC) systems are built with GALS principles, this method is directly useable for testing NoC interconnects. We give an analytical analysis about the efficiency of the method. Our method is conservative and may label a very small percentage of good chips as faulty. However, this fault detection error can be made arbitrarily small. We also proposed a simple digital hardware structure for the transmitter and receiver ends of the link under test to detect delay faults. It is possible to extend our method to combine it with functional testing of the link and adapt it for on-line testing.


1.    R.Ubar, A.Jutman, Z.Peng. Improving the Efficiency of Timing Simulation in Digital Circuits by Using Structurally Synthesized BDDs. IEEE Norchip conference, Turku, November 7-8, 2000, pp.254-261.

2.    A.Jutman, R.Ubar, Z.Peng. Algorithms for Speeding-Up Timing Simulation of Digital Circuits. DATE, Munich, March 13-16, 2001, pp.460-465.

3.    A.Jutman, R.Ubar. Application of Structurally Synthesized Binary Decision Diagrams for Timing Simulation of Digital Circuits. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, No 7/4, 2001, pp.269-288.

4.    R.Ubar, A.Jutman. BEC: Increasing the Speed of  Delay Simulation in Digital Circuits. 7th Baltic Electronics Conference, Tallinn, October 8-11, 2000, pp.31-34.

5.    R.Ubar, A.Jutman, Z.Peng. Improving the Efficiency of Timing Simulation in Digital Circuits by Using Structurally Synthesized BDDs. IEEE Norchip conference, Turku, November 7-8, 2000, pp.254-261.

6.    T.Bengtsson, A.Jutman, S.Kumar, R.Ubar. Delay Testing of Asynchronous NOC Interconnects. 12th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems Kraków, 22-25 June 2005, pp.419-424.

7.    T.Bengtsson, A.Jutman, S.Kumar, Z.Peng, R.Ubar. Off-line Testing of Delay Faults in NoC Interconnects. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE EUROMICRO Conference on Digital Systems Design DSD2006, Katvat, Croatia, 2006, pp.677-680.


Defect-Oriented Test

As the complexity of digital systems continues to increase, the traditional low level diagnostic analysis methods have become obsolete. Other approaches based mainly on higher level functional and behavioral methods are gaining more popularity. However, the trend towards higher level modeling moves us even more away from the real life of defects and, hence, from accuracy of testing. To handle adequately defects in deep-submicron technologies, new fault models and defect-oriented test methods should be used. On the other hand, the defect-orientation is increasing even more the complexity. To get out from the deadlock, the two opposite trends – high-level modeling and defect-orientation – should be combined into hierarchical approaches. The advantage of hierarchical approaches compared to high-level functional modeling lies in the possibility of constructing test plans on higher levels, and modeling faults on more detailed lower levels.

A new approach to defect-oriented fault simulation has been developed, based on mapping the physical defects into higher level constraints [1,2,4]. Based on the defect-oriented simulation tool, a random defect-oriented test generator was developed [3,5] which allowed to improve the test quality compared to the classical stuck-et fault approaches. 

A method was developed for deterministic test pattern generation using a uniform functional fault model for combinational circuits [6]. The fault model allows to represent arbitrary physical defects in components and defects in the communication network of components by the same technique. The possibility of detecting the bridging faults that via feedback transform combinational circuit into sequential one is also created. A method is proposed which allows to find the types of faults that may occur in a real circuit, to determine their probabilities and to use this information to guide the test generation process. The method was implemented as the defect-oriented deterministic test generation tool DOT [7]. The first time, a method and tool is available for proving redundancy of physical defects, which allows to evaluate the quality of tests more adequately compared to existing tools. The new functional fault model used in the tool creates a simple conception and basis for hierarchical defect oriented test, and couold be generalized also for using at higher levels.

Shorts inside the routing network can show sequential behaviour. The proposed test pattern generator DOT is also able to find tests for such kind of defects. As the effort to test sequential defects can vary from short to short, a new testability analysis was developed [8]. Based on this analysis a redesign of the circuit layout is proposed. This “layout for testability” approach is therefore a defect oriented equivalent for “design for testability” methods. In [9] it was shown that nearly all bridging faults can be tested by a simple and robust one-pattern logic test [10].


1.    M.Blyzniuk, FT.Cibakova, E.Gramatova, W.Kuzmicz, M.Lobur, W.Pleskacz, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Hierarchical Defect-Oriented Fault Simulation for Digital Circuits. IEEE European Test Workshop, Cascais, Portugal, Mai 23-26, 2000, pp.151-156.

2.    R.Ubar, W.Kuzmicz, W.Pleskacz, J.Raik. Defect-Oriented Fault Simulation and Test Generation in Digital Circuits. 2nd Int. Symp. on Quality of Electronic Design, San Jose, California, March 26-28, 2001, pp.365-371.

3.    T.Cibakova, M.Fischerova, E.Gramatova, W.Kuzmicz, W.Pleskacz, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Defect-Oriented Test Generation Using Probabilistic Estimation. MIXDES’01, Zakopane, Poland, June 21-23, 2001, pp.131-136.

4.    W.Kuzmicz, W.Pleskacz, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Module Level Defect Simulation in Digital Circuits. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, No 7/4, 2001, pp.253-268.

5.    T.Cibáková, M.Fischerová, E.Gramatová, W.Kuzmicz, W.Pleskacz, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Hierarchical Test Generation for Combinational Circuits with Real Defects Coverage. Pergamon Press. Journal of Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 42, 2002, pp.1141-1149.

6.    J.Raik, R.Ubar, J.Sudbrock, W.Kuzmicz, W.Pleskacz. Deterministic Defect-Oriented Test Generation for Digital Circuits. 6th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop – LATW2005, March 30 – April 2, 2005, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, pp.325-330.

7.    J.Raik, R.Ubar, J.Sudbrock, W.Kuzmicz, W.Pleskacz. DOT: New Deterministic Defect-Oriented ATPG Tool. Proc. of 10th IEEE European Test Symposium, May 22-25, 2005, Tallinn, pp.96-101.

8.    J.Sudbrock, J.Raik, R.Ubar, W.Kuzmicz, W.Pleskacz. Defect-Oriented Test- and Layout-Generation for Standard-Cell ASIC Designs. 8th Euromicro conference on Digital Systems Design DSD2005. Porto, Aug.30 – Sept. 3, 2005, pp.79-82.

9.    M.Jenihhin, J.Raik, R.Ubar, W.A.Pleskacz, M.Rakowski. Layout to Logic Defect Analysis for Hierarchical Test Generation. The 10th IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems - DDECS 2007. Krakow, Poland, April 11-13, 2007, pp.35-40.


Design for Testability

A general approach is presented for calculation controllabilities and observabilities of signals at gate- and register transfer levels [1,2]. The methods and algorithms are based on using multi-level decision diagrams. On the gate-level the circuit is represented hierarchically as a network of macros (subcircuits) where to each macro a structurally synthesized BDD (SSBDD) corresponds. Differently to traditional testability calculation approaches, no libraries of controllability and observability models (calculation rules) for network components (macros) are needed. A generic procedure is given to calculate testability values for arbitrary macro. Heuristic and probabilistic measures are calculated by uniform path tracing procedures on SSBDDs. The procedure takes into account the correlation of probabilities, and increases the accuracy of calculating signal probabilities compared to the gate-level methods.

The proposed method was generalized for calculating testability measures on the register transfer level [3,6]. Previously, these measures have been successfully used in high-level synthesis, test synthesis and sequential circuits test generation at the gate-level. However, solutions implementing such measures in RTL test generation were missing. A method was proposed and implemented for testability guided RT-level test generation [4,7]. Experiments were carried out in order to evaluate to what extent testability analysis influences test generation at the RT-level. The experiments showed remarkable improvement in test quality.

A new low area overhead Designfor-Testability (DfT) technique for Built-In Self-Test (BIST) of sequential circuits was developed in [5]. The technique is based on making the status signals entering the control part controllable during the test mode. This requires a simple controller to manipulate these signals in order to force the device under test to traverse all the branches in the FSM state transition graph. Experimental results showed that the number of signals to be controlled (usually 1-2 bits), and thus the extra silicon area, is very low. In addition, the experiments showed that the optimal BIST solution for a design is highly dependent on its testability characteristics. New BIST related DfT methods were proposed also in [8.]


1.    R.Ubar, J.Heinlaid, L.Raun. Improved Testability Calculation for Digital Circuits. 19th IEEE Conference NORCHIP’2001, Stockholm, Sweden, pp.264-270.

2.    R.Ubar. Testability Calculation for Digital Circuits with Decision Diagrams. 3rd IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop – LATW’2002, Montevideo, Uruguay, February 10-13, 2002, pp.137-143.

3.    T.Nõmmeots, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Testability Analysis for Efficient Register-Transfer Level Test Generation. Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. MIXDES 2002, Wroclaw, June 20-22, 2002, pp.555-558.

4.    J.Raik, T.Nõmmeots, R.Ubar. New Method of Testability Calculation to Guide RT-Level Test Generation. Proc. of 4th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop – LATW2003, Natal, Brazil, February 16-19, 2003, pp.46-51.

5.    J.Raik, R.Raidma, R.Ubar. Explorations in Low Area Overhead DfT Techniques for Sequential BIST. 21st IEEE Conference NORCHIP’2003, Riga, Latvia, November 10-11, 2003, pp.220-223.

6.    J.Raik, V.Govind, R.Ubar. RT-Level Test Point Insertion for Sequential Circuits. Proc. of  the IEEE 1st International Workshop on Testability Assessment – IWoTA-2004, Rennes, Nov.2, 2004, pp.34-40. IEEE Catalog Number 04EX983, ISBN 0-7803-8851-8.

7.    J.Raik, T.Nõmmeots, R.Ubar. A New Testability Calculation Method to Guide RTL Test Generation. Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications – JETTA. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. 21, pp.73-84, 2005.

8.    G.Jervan, R.Ubar, Z.Peng, P.Eles. An Approach to System Level DFT. In “System-level Test and Validation of Hardware/Software Systems” by M.Sonza Reorda, Z.Peng, M.Violante. Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics, Vol.17, 2005, pp. 91-118.


Built-In Self-Test

Due to the requirements for the Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) speed and memory, the ATE-based test solution may not always be affordable in terms of cost and accuracy. Therefore, in order to apply at-speed tests and to keep the test costs under control, on-chip, Built-In Self-Test (BIST) solutions are becoming a mainstream technology for testing complex electronic systems.

Different test scenarios are possible, while using BIST. Sometimes the embedded cores may be tested using only internally generated pseudorandom test patterns. Due to several reasons, like very long test sequences, and random pattern resistant faults, this approach may not always be efficient.

One solution to this problem is to complement pseudorandom test patterns with deterministic test patterns, applied from the on-chip memory or, in special situations, from the ATE. This approach is usually referred to as hybrid BIST. One of the important parameters influencing the efficiency of a hybrid BIST approach is the ratio of pseudorandom and deterministic test patterns in the final test set. As the amount of resources on the chip is limited, the final test set has to be designed in such a way that the deterministic patterns fit into the on-chip memory. At the same time the testing time must be minimized in order to reduce testing cost and time-to-market.

In self-test, a close cooperation between TTU and Linköping University, Sweden has given several original results in the area of optimizing hybrid BIST. A novel method for fast cost estimation for variations of test processes with complex structure was proposed [1,2]. Based of the fast cost estimation method, two algorithms were proposed and compared to find the optimal balance between pseudorandom and stored test patterns to perform self test with minimum time and memory, without losing test quality [3,4]. To speed up the optimization procedure, a Tabu search based method was proposed for finding the global cost minimum without calculating the full cost curve. The proposed algorithms may be used  for both software and harware implementations of the hybrid BIST. The new methods were then generalized for multi-core systems with STUMPS architecture [5,6,13,14], and extended for optimizing parallel testing in a test pattern broadcasting mode [7]. A technique was developed to find the optimum hybrid BIST solution so that the total energy is minimized and the memory requirements for the deterministic test set are met without sacrificing test quality [10,11]. An efficient iterative algorithm was proposed based on a method for fast estimation of candidate solutions that enables considerable reduction of the computation time.

A conception of hybrid functional BIST to combine the functional routines carried out in digital systems with deterministic test patterns was developed [8]. In the first test phase only the functional resources of a system are used for testing purposes. A response compressor like signature analyzer is used to monitor the process. To quarantee a high fault coverage, the second phase of the test is used as well, which consists additional test patterns for testing random-pattern-resistant faults. A method is proposed to find the tradeoff between the functional test and deterministic test parts is presented [9].

Two methods were developed for optimization of hybrid BIST test sessions based on reseeding. The first one is based on a genetic algorithm {[12] and the second one uses greedy aapproaach [15].


1.    G.Jervan, Z.Peng, R.Ubar. Test Cost Minimization for Hybrid BIST. IEEE Int. Symp. on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems. Tokio, October 25-28, 2000, pp.283-291.

2.    R.Ubar, G.Jervan, Z.Peng, E.Orasson, R.Raidma. Fast Test Cost Calculation for Hybrid BIST in Digital Systems. Proc. of EUROMICRO Symposium on Digital Systems Design, Warsaw, September 4-6, 2001, pp.318-325.

3.    H.Kruus, R.Ubar, G.Jervan, Z.Peng. Using Tabu Search Method for Optimizing the Cost of Hybrid BIST. XVI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, Porto, Portugal, Nov. 20-23, 2001, pp.445-450.

4.    G.Jervan, H.Kruus, Z.Peng, R.Ubar. About Cost Optimization of Hybrid BIST in Digital Systems. 3rd IEEE Int. Symp. on Quality of Electronic Design, San Jose, California, March 18-20, 2002, pp.273-279.

5.    G.Jervan, P.Eles, Z.Peng, R.Ubar, M.Jenihhin. Hybrid BIST Time Minimization for Core-Based Systems with STUMPS Architecture. 18th Int. Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems. Cambridge, MA, USA, November 3-5, 2003.

6.    G.Jervan, P.Eles, Z.Peng, R.Ubar, M.Jenihhin. Test Time Minimization for Hybrid BIST of Core-Based Systems. Asian Test Symposium 2003, Xi’an, China, November 17-19, 2003, pp. 318-323.

7.    R.Ubar, M.Jenihhin, G.Jervan, Z.Peng. Hybrid BIST Optimization for Core-Based Systems with Test Pattern Broadcasting. 2nd IEEE Int. Workshop on Electronic Design, Test and Applications – DELTA’04, Perth, Australia, 28-30 January 2004, pp.3-8.

8.    R.Ubar, N.Mazurova, J.Smahtina, E.Orasson, J.Raik. HyFBIST: Hybrid Functional Built-In Self-Test in Microprogrammed Data-Paths of Digital Systems. Int. Conference MIXDES, Szczecin, June 24-26, 2004, pp.497-502.

9.    N.Mazurova, J.Smahtina, R.Ubar. Hybrid Functional BIST for Digital Systems. Proc. of the 9th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, Oct. 3-6, 2004, Tallinn, pp.205-208.

10. R.Ubar, T.Shchenova, G.Jervan, Z.Peng. Energy Minimization for Hybrid BIST in a System-on-Chip Test Environment. Proc. of 10th IEEE European Test Symposium, May 22-25, 2005, Tallinn, pp.2-7.

11. G.Jervan, Z.Peng, T.Shchenova, R.Ubar. A Hybrid BIST Energy Minimization Technique for SoC Testing. IEE Proceedings on Computers & Digital Techniques, July 2006, Vol. 153, Issue 4, pp.208-216.

12. J.Aleksejev, A.Jutman, R.Ubar. LFSR Polynomial and Seed Selection Using Genetic Algorithm. Baltic Electronics Conference. Laulasmaa, Oct. 2006, pp.179-182.

13. G.Jervan, R.Ubar, Z.Peng. Hybrid BIST Methodology for Testing Core-Based Systems. Proc. of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering, 12 (2/3), 2006, pp.300-322

14. G.Jervan, P.Eles, Z.Peng, R.Ubar, M.Jenihhin. Test Time Minimization for Hybrid BIST of Core-Based Systems. J. of Computer Science and Technology. Nov. 2006, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 907-912.

15. G.Jervan, H.Kruus, E.Orasson, R.Ubar. Hybrid BIST Optimization Using Reseeding and Test Set Compaction. Proc. of 10th IEEE EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design - DSD 2007, Lübeck, Germany, August 27 - 31, 2007, pp.596-603.


Fault Diagnosis

Three directions in this field has been followed: design error diagnosis, NoC diagnosis and embedded diagnosis based on BIST environments. A new approach was developed for removing design errors from digital circuits, which does not use any error model [1]. Combinational circuits or circuits with scan-paths are here considered. Based on a diagnostic pre-analysis of the circuit, a subcircuit suspected to be erroneous is extracted and the rectified. Opposite to the known works, re-synthesis of the subcircuit needs not be applied to the whole function of the erroneous internal signal in terms of primary inputs, it may stop at arbitrary nodes inside the circuit. More methods are presented in the verificaation section of this page.

A novel concept of diagnosing faulty links in NoC designs was proposed in [2,3]. The method is based on functional fault models and it implements packet address driven test configurations. The main novelty is to extend the use of test configurations for diagnosis purposes and to propose a method for locating faults in the NoC interconnection infrastructure. Additionally, a new concept of functional switch faults, called link faults, is introduced. The approach is well scalable (complexity is square root of the number of switches) and it is capable of unambigously pinpointing the faulty links inside the switching network.

Instead of the known approach based on a simple bisection of patterns in pseudorandom test sequences, we proposed a novel bisection procedure where the diagnostic weight of test patterns is taken into account [4,5]. Another novelty is the sequential nature of the procedure which allows pruning the search space. Opposite to the classical approach which targets all failing patterns, in the proposed method not all of such patterns are needed to be fixed for diagnosis. This allows to trade-off the speed of diagnosis with diagnostic resolution. To improve the diagnostic resolution the use of multiple signature analyzers was proposed [6]. A method was developed to partition a single signature analyzer into a set of multiple independent analyzers, and the algorithms were given to synthesize an optimal interface between the outputs of the circuit under test and the analyzers [7,8]. The proposed method was compared with three known fault diagnosis methods: classical Binary Search based on patterns bisection, Doubling and Jumping. Experimental results demonstrated the advantages of the proposed method compared to the previous ones.


1.    R.Ubar. Design Error Diagnosis in Scan-Path Designs. 2nd Latin-American Test Workshop. Cancun, Mexico, February 11-14, 2001, pp. 162-168.

2.    J.Raik, V.Govind, R.Ubar. An External Diagnosis method for Network-on-a-Chip. IEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe Workshop on Diagnostic Services in Networks-on-Chips. April 16-20, 2006, Nice, France. 

3.    J.Raik, R.Ubar, V.Govind. Test Configurations for Diagnosing Faulty Links in NoC Switches. 12th IEEE European Test Symposium – ETS 2007, Freiburg, Germany, May 20-24, 2007, pp.29-34. 

4.    R.Ubar, S.Kostin, J.Raik. Fault Diagnosis in the BIST Environment Based on Bisection of Detected Faults. 8th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop - LATW2007, Cuzco, Peru, March 11-14, 2007, pp.1-6.

5.    R.Ubar, S.Kostin, J.Raik, T.Evartson, H.Lensen. Fault Diagnosis in Integrated Circuits with BIST. Proc. of 10th IEEE EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design - DSD 2007, Lübeck, Germany, August 27 - 31, 2007, pp.604-610.

6.    R.Ubar, S.Kostin, J.Raik, M.Kruus. Experimental Comparison of Different Diagnosis Algorithms in the BIST Environment. IASTED Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling - ASM 2007, ACTA Press, August 29-31, 2007, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, pp.271-276.

7.    R.Ubar, S.Kostin, J.Raik. Built-In Self-Diagnosis with Multiple Signature Analyzers in Digital Systems. 9th IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop – LATW 2008, Puebla, Mexico, Feb. 17-20, 2008. Submitted.

8.    R.Ubar, S.Kostin, J.Raik. Embedded Fault Diagnosis in Digital Systems with BIST. Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems. Submitted.


SoC and NoC Testing

Rapid advances in deep submicron and nanotechnologies, as well as in design automation are enabling engineers to design more complex integrated circuits (IC) and driving them toward new design paradigms like Systems-on-Chip (SoC), and Networks-on-Chip (NoC) [1,2]. NoC has become a state-of-the-art interconnect solution between cores in SoC designs. We have developed a novel conception for autonomous at-speed testing of NoC interconnect. It is based on recently proposed very efficient design of test pattern generation and response analysis hardware, which allows detection and diagnosis of both static and dynamic faults upon interconnects between chips in a multi-chip environment. In [3,4] we describe a new testing paradigm adapted to synchronous NoC and present its general structure. It is shown that this paradigm brings a high level of universality, scalability, and configuration independence into at-speed testing and diagnosis of NoC interconnect.

Small dimensions and high frequencies of chips of today make crosstalk related malfunctioning more important to consider than ever before. This is a reason why at-speed testing of cross talk induced logic and delay faults in core based SoCs, is becoming very important. Closely packed buses interconnecting cores are generally laid out on many interconnect layers to minimize area and delay. Aggressor-victim model is often used to represent the effect of crosstalk due to influence of one wire on the other. We have proposed an efficient method and corresponding BIST hardware for at-speed testing of such faults [5]. The proposed BIST hardware is programmable and can provide the trade-off between test speed and test quality. In [6] we propose a methodology for at-speed testing of glitch faults in links connecting two distinct clock domains in a SoC or a NoC system. The basic idea is to try to create conditions using maximum number of aggressors to induce a glitch in the link to be tested for faults and use a latch to record this glitch.

The previous works on testing NoCs have been mainly based on general purpose Design-for-Testability (DfT) approaches and there is a lack of test algorithms dedicated to on-chip networks. We developed a generic parametrizable VHDL description of a deflecting NoC switch, and synthesized for research purposes a benchmark family of 8 switches representing different possible architecture configurations [6]. We created also a scalable testbench providing high-fault coverage test patterns for network implementations based on this switch. A well-scalable external test method, where insertion of wrappers and scan paths will not be required was developed [7]. The method is based on functional fault models, which target single stuck-at faults in the network switches. Furthermore, 100 per cent of delay faults, opens and shorts between adjacent interconnection lines are additionally covered by the method. The approach allows to reach higher fault coverages in comparison to the recent DfT based solutions.


1.    T.Hollstein, Z.Peng, R.Ubar, M.Glesner. Challenges for Future System-on-Chip Design. Proceedings of European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design. Part III. Espoo, Finland, August 28-31, 2001, pp.173-176.

2.    R.Ubar, J.Raik. Testing Strategies for Networks on Chip. In “Networks on Chip” by A.Jantsch, H.Tenhunen. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, pp. 131-152.

3.    A.Jutman, R.Ubar, J.Raik. Generic Interconnect BIST for Network-on-Chip. Proc. of IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop. Sopron, April 13-16, 2005, pp.224-227.

4.    A.Jutman, R.Ubar, J.Raik. New Built-In Self-Test Scheme for SoC Interconnect. 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. July 10-13, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA, vol.4, pp.19-24.

5.    T.Bengtsson, A.Jutman, R.Ubar, S.Kumar. A method for crosstalk fault detection in on-chip Buses. IEEE NORCHIP Conference, Oulu, Finland, Nov. 21-22, 2005, pp.285-288.

6.    V.Govind, J.Raik, R.Ubar. A Generic Synthesizable NoC Switch with Scalable Testbench. Baltic Electronics Conference. Laulasmaa, Oct. 2006, pp.91-94.

7.    V.Govind, J.Raik, R.Ubar. An External Test Approach for Network-on-Chip Switches. IEEE Asian test Symposium. 2006, Fukuoka, Japan, pp.437-442.

8.    T.Bengtsson, S.Kumar, A.Jutman, R.Ubar. Off-line Testing of Crosstalk Induced Glitch Faults in NoC Interconnects. 24th IEEE Norchip Conference, Linköping, Nov. 20-21, 2006, pp.221-226.

9.    G.Jervan, T.Shchenova, R.Ubar (2006). Hybrid BIST Scheduling for NoC-Based SoCs. 24th IEEE Norchip Conference, Linköping, Nov. 20-21, 2006, pp.141-144.


Dependability Analysis

Dependable systems are designed with fault tolerance features to first, detect errors and then to mask or recover from the effects of those errors. Thus, testing of these features is extremely important in understanding how dependable the systems are with the incorporated fault tolerance mechanisms and in gaining insight into the success of error detection and recovery. Fault injection is a means to effectively test and stress the error handling and fault tolerance mechanisms, so that the system behavior can be studied prior to their actual deployment. However, there exists a problem of selecting faults to be injected. Erroneous responses in a system do not necessarily lead to a failure at the application level, even when the discrepancy with the nominal behavior has a long duration. Fault analysis in the complete system is therefore required to discriminate real failure conditions from non-critical errors. Such an analysis is very difficult to carry out on the execution-based models using languages like VHDL, Verilog, System C.

We have developed a new hierarchical multi-level technique for malicious fault list generation for evaluating the fault tolerance [1,2]. For the description of the system three levels are exploited: behavioral, functional signal path and structural gate-network levels, whereas at each level the model of decision diagrams and uniform fault analysis procedures are used. Malicious faults are found by top-down technique, keeping the complexity of candidate fault sets at each level as low as possible.


1.    R.Ubar, G.Jervan, J.Raik, M.Jenihhin, P.Ellervee. Dependability Evaluation in Fault-Tolerant Systems with High-Level Decision Diagrams. Proceedings of the 52. International Scientific Colloquium, Vol. II, Ilmenau, Sept. 10-13, 2007, pp.147-152.

2.    R.Ubar, S.Devadze, M.Jenihhin, J.Raik, G.Jervan, P.Ellervee. Hierarchical Calculation of Malicious Faults for Evaluating the Fault-Tolerance. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test & Applications – DELTA 2008, Hong Kong, January 23-25, 2008.


Reconfigurable Hardware Applications

Fault simulation is the most often used way of digital analysis and there exist many techniques to speed up simulation. Efficient fault simulation algorithms for combinational circuits are known already for decades. However, it is the large sequential designs whose fault grading run times could be measured in years that drive the need for faster implementation, e.g. by hardware emulation. At the same time, reconfigurable hardware, e.g., FPGAs, has been found useful as a system-modeling environment. The availability of large devices allows implementing not only the circuit under test with fault models but also the whole test bench on a single reconfigurable device.

The papers [1-5] describe our work on developing a very fast approach and implementation to emulate  fault simulation of sequential circuits on FPGAs. To study the possibility of replacing fault simulation with emulation, we first had to solve some essential issues how to represent the faults in a synthesizable circuit, how to feed the test vectors into the circuit, and how to read and/or analyze the results of emulation. Then we created the experimental environment and performed experiments with some benchmark circuits. The experiments showed that for circuits and/or applications that require large numbers of test vectors, it is beneficial to replace simulation with emulation. Compared to SW based solutions the speed of fault simulation increased more than 200 times.

More work is needed to integrate the hardware part with the software part of the test generation environment. In addition to merely increasing the speed of fault simulation, the idea proposed in this paper can be used for selecting optimal Built-In Self-Test (BIST) structures.


1.    J.Raik, P.Ellervee, V.Tihhomirov, R.Ubar. Fast Fault Emulation for Synchronous Sequential Circuits. 2nd East-West Design & Test Workshop EWDTW-2004, Alushta 23-26, 2004, pp.35-40.

2.    P.Ellervee, J.Raik, V.Tihhomirov, R.Ubar. FPGA Based Fault Emulation of Synchronous Sequential Circuits. Proc. of the 22nd IEEE Norchip Conference, Oslo, November 8-9, 2004, pp.59-62.

3.    J.Raik, P.Ellervee, V.Tihhomirov, R.Ubar. Improved Fault Emulation for Synchronous Sequential Circuits. 8th Euromicro conference on Digital Systems Design DSD2005. Porto, Aug.30 – Sept. 3, 2005, pp.72-78.

4.    P.Ellervee, J.Raik, K.Tammemäe, R.Ubar. Environment for FPGA Based Fault Emulation. Proc. of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering 12 (2/3), pp.323-335.

5.    P.Ellervee, J.Raik, R.Ubar, K.Tammemäe. FPGA-Based Fault Emulation of Synchronous Sequential Circuits. IEE Proceedings on Computers & Digital Techniques. Vol.1, Issue 2, pp.70-76, March 2007.


Collaborative Internet-Based Design and Test

In cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits in Germany we have developed an environment for an Internet-based co-operation in the field of design and test of digital systems as the demonstrator of the EU project VILAB [1-6]. A VLSI design flow is combined with an Internet-based hierarchical automated test pattern generation (ATPG). A novel hierarchical ATPG driven by testability measures was included into the design and test flow. Both, the register-transfer (RT) and the gate level descriptions are used, and decision diagrams are exploited as a uniform model for describing systems at both levels, for calculating testability measures and for test generation. The ATPG and testability analyzer can be run at geographically different places (at partners of the VILAB project) under the virtual environment MOSCITO developed at Fraunhofer Institute. The interfaces between the integrated tools and also the commercial design tools were developed and implemented. The functionality of the integrated design and test system was verified in several co-operative experiments over Internet by partners in different geographical sites. The experimental results have shown the advantages of using structural tests generated by ATPG compared to using functional test sequences created by designers.


1.    A.Schneider, E.Ivask, P.Mikloš, J.Raik, K.H.Diener, R.Ubar, T.Cibáková, E.Gramatová. Internet-based Collaborative Test Generation with MOSCITO. IEEE Proc. of  Design Automation and Test in Europe – DATE’02. Paris, March  4-8, 2002, pp. 221-226.

2.    A.Schneider, K.-H.Diener, E.Ivask, R.Ubar, E.Gramatova, T.Hollstein, W.Pleskacz, W.Kuzmicz, Z.Peng. Integrated Design and Test Generation Under Internet Based Environment MOSCITO. EUROMICRO Conference, September 3-6, 2002, pp. 187-194.

3.    A.Schneider, K.-H.Diener, E.Ivask, R.Ubar, E.Gramatova, M.Fisherova, W.Pleskacz, W.Kuzmicz. Defect-Oriented Test Generation and Fault Simulation in the Environment of MOSCITO. Proceedings, BEC-2002, Tallinn, October 6-9, 2002, pp.303-306.

4.    A.Schneider, K.-H.Diener, J.Raik, R.Ubar, G.Jervan, Z.Peng, T.Hollstein, M.Glesner. High-Level Synthesis and Test in the MOSCITO-Based Virtual Laboratory. Proc. BEC-2002, Tallinn, October 6-9, 2002, pp.287-290.

5.    A.Schneider, K.-H.Diener, G.Elst, E.Ivask, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Internet-Based Testability-Driven Test Generation in the Virtual Environment MOSCITO. Proc. IFIP Conference on IP Based SOC Design, Grenoble, France, October 30-31, 2002, pp.357-362.

6.    E. Ivask, J. Raik, R. Ubar, A. Schneider. WEB-Based Environment: Remote Use of Digital Electronics Test Tools. In “Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, pp. 435-442.


Educational Software

To support teaching and research oriented laboratory training we have created a homogeneous e-learning environment for studying the test and diagnostics of digital systems. It consists of a set of tools (“interactive modules”) targeted to e-learning for teaching logic level test generation and fault diagnosis in digital circuits [1,3], higher (register transfer) level functional test programming and analysis [2,10], decign for testability and built-in self-testing conceptions [2,9,11], boundary scan standard and board testing issues [4,6,7], as well as physical defect analysis in integrated circuits and defect-oriented test [12]. The tools are available and open for use over Internet [8].

The tools support different university courses on computer engineering, switching and automata theories, digital electronics and design for testability to learn by hands-on excercises test and fault diagnosis related topics. A big reservoir of examples and the possibility to set up interesting engineering problems like how to generate test patterns for a digital circuit, or how to locate a faulty gate in the circuit makes the learning process more interesting and allows learning at an individual depth and duration. The interactive modules are focused on easy action and reaction, learning by doing, a game-like use, and fostering students in critical thinking, problem solving skills and creativity.


1.    R.Ubar, H.-D.Wuttke. The DILDIS-Project – Using Applets for More Demonstrative Lectures in Digital Systems Design and Test. Proceedings of the 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE’2001, Oct. 10-13, 2001, Reno, NV, USA, pp.SIE-2-7.

2.    S.Devadze, A.Jutman, A.Sudnitson, R.Ubar, H.-D.Wuttke. Teaching Digital RT-Level Self-Test Using a Java Applet. 20th IEEE Conference NORCHIP’2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 11-12, 2002, pp.322-328.

3.    R.Ubar, E.Orasson. E-Learning tool and Exercises for Teaching Digital Test. Proc.of 2nd IEEE Conf. on Signals, Systems, Decision and Information Technology. Sousse, Tunisia, March 26-28, 2003, CIT-6, pp.1-6.

4.    A.Jutman, A.Sudnitsõn, R.Ubar. Web-Based Applet for Teaching Boundary Scan standard IEEE 1149.1. Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. MIXDES 2003, Lodz, June 26-28, 2003, pp.584-589 (Best Paper Award).

5.    V.Vislogubov, A.Jutman, H.Kruus, E.Orasson, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Diagnostic Software with WEB Interface for Teaching Purposes. Proc. of the 9th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, Oct. 3-6, 2004, Tallinn, pp.255-258.

6.    A.Jutman, R.Ubar, V.Rosin. A Software System fror IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan Design, Simulation and Demonstration. IEEE European Board Test Workshop, Tallinn, May 25-26, 2005, http://www.dft.co.uk/EBTW2005/PAPERS/.

7.    A.Jutman, V.Rosin, A.Sudnitson, R.Ubar, H.-D.Wuttke A System for Teaching Basic and Advanced Topics of IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan Standard. EAEEIE, June 2005. Best Paper Award.

8.    A.Jutman, J.Raik, R.Ubar, V.Vislogubov. An Educational Environment for Digital Testing: Hardware, Tools, and Web-based Runtime Platform. 8th Euromicro conference on Digital Systems Design DSD2005. Porto, Aug.30 – Sept. 3, 2005, pp.412-419.

9.    A.Jutman, A.Tsertov, R.Ubar. A Tool for Advanced learning of LFSR-based Testing Principles. Baltic Electronics Conference. Laulasmaa, Oct. 2006, pp.175-178.

10. R.Ubar, A.Jutman, M.Kruus, E.Orasson, S.Devadze, H.-D.Wuttke. Learning Digital Test and Diagnostics via Internet. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. International Journal of Online Engineering, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-9, 2007.

11. A.Jutman, A.Tsertov, A.Tsepurov, I.Aleksejev, R.Ubar, H.-D.Wuttke, “BIST Analyzer: a Training Platform for SoC Testing” in Proc. of Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE’07), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, October 10-13, 2007.

12. W.Pleskacz, T.Borejko, A.Walkanis, V.Stopjakova, A.Jutman, R.Ubar. CMOS Defects Analysis using DefSim Measurement Environment. Informal Digest of Papers of the 11th IEEE European Test Symposium, Southampton, UK, May 22-25, 2006, pp.241-246


Organizational R&D Activities

Our research group has been very active in international organizational work, we belong to the steering or program committees of about 25-30 conferences ioncluding DATE,VTS, ETS, ISQED, EDCC, EUROMICRO, DDECS a.o. We have been the main organizer of more than 10 international conferences and workshops, such as IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) [4], European Board Test Workshop [4], IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS) [1,3], Norchip Conference, and others. Belonging to the committee of EAEEIE we took part in the action of the EU project THEIERE to carry out a study about  curricula available in Europe in electrical and information engineering and reflections on the Bologna-RMD process [2]. Overviews about the reserch activities, results and successes are presented in [5-7].


1.    V.Hahanov, R.Ubar. First East-West Design and Test Conference. IEEE Design & Test, Nov.-Dec 2003, pp.103.

2.    R.Ubar, E.Rüstern, M.Kruus. EE: Eesti (Estonia) in “Towards the Harmonization of Electrical and Information Engineering Education in Europe”, Lisboa-Nancy 2003, Ed. EAEEIE, 2003, pp.67-74.

3.    V.Hahanov, R.Ubar. 2nd IEEE EastWest Design & Test Workshop. IEEE Journal of Design & Test of Computers, Nov.-Dec 2004, pp.594.

4.    R.Ubar, P.Prinetto, J.Raik. 10th IEEE European Test Symposion. IEEE Journal of Design & Test of Computers, Sept.-Oct, 2005, pp.480-481.

5.    M.Kruus, R.Ubar. Success Story of the Computer Engineering Department at the Tallinn University of Technology in EU Projects. The Parliament Magazine. No. 234, 13. Nov. 2006, pp.33.

6.    R.Ubar, J.Raik, A.Jutman, P.Ellervee. Digital Electronics Design and Test at Computer Engineering Department of Tallinn University of Technology. The House Magazine. The Parlamentary Weekly, No 1198, Vol.32, Dec.11, 2006, pp.42.

7.    R.Ubar, M.Kruus, T.Rang. Electronics Design and Test. Public Service Review: European Union, Issue 13, 2007, p.52-53.


Research results in 1992 - 1999

The main research results obtained in the years (1992-1999) by the staff and students at the chair belong to the following fields of Digital Design and Test:

1. Decision Diagrams in Test Synthesis and Diagnosis of Digital Systems
A new approach based on decision diagrams (DD) to create algorithms and tools for automated test design and fault diagnosis for digital systems was developed.
DDs were proposed the first time for test generation under the name of alternative graphs (AG) in [8].
Unlike the traditional binary decision diagrams (BDD), a special class of structurally synthesized BDDs (SSBDD) support test design for gate-level structural faults (whereas BDDs can help only getting functional tests with uncertain quality for the given implementation).
DDs serve as a mathematical basis for solving a wide spectrum of test design tasks, resulting in a uniform model and a restricted set of standardized procedures (horizontal universality). They also allow a uniform approach to test design at different system levels (vertical universality).
DD-approach made it possible to describe a wide class of digital circuits and systems on mixed logical and functional levels. This class contains random logic, traditionally treated at the gate level, as well as digital systems like microprocessors, controllers etc., traditionally described at the procedural or RTL levels.
On the basis of the proposed DD-description, a general fault model for digital systems was developed. The proposed model covers in a uniform way a wide class of faults at different system representation levels (stuck-at faults, opens, shorts, functionality faults, different functional faults introduced specially for microprocessors, or for VHDL designs). The model defined on DDs can be regarded as a generalization of the classical gate-level stuck-at fault model.


  1. R. Ubar. Multi-Valued Simulation of Digital Circuits with Structurally Synthesized Binary Decision Diagrams. OPA (Overseas Publishers Assotiation) N.V. Gordon and Breach Publishers, Multiple Valued Logic, Vol.4  pp. 141-157, 1998.
  2. R.Leveugle, R.Ubar. Synthesis of Decision Diagrams from Clock-Driven Multi-Process VHDL Descriptions for Test Generation. Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. Lodz (Poland), June 18-20, 1998, pp. 353-358. Best Paper Award.
  3. R. Ubar. Test Synthesis with Alternative Graphs. IEEE Design & Test of Computers, 1996 Spring, pp. 48-57.
  4. Fehler in Automaten. By  D.Bochmann and R.Ubar. VEB Verlag Technik, Berlin,1989, 216 S.
  5. R. Ubar. Test Generation for Digital Systems on the Vector Alternative Graph Model. Proc. of the 13th Annual Int. Symp. on Fault Tolerant Computing, Milano, Italy, 1983, pp.374-377.
  6. M.Plakk, R.Ubar. Digital Circuit Test Design using the Alternative Graph Model. Automation and Remote Control, Vol.41, No 5, part 2,  Nov. 1980, Plenum Publishing Corporation, USA, pp. 714-722.
  7. R. Ubar. Beschreibung Digitaler Einrichtungen mit Alternativen Graphen für die Fehlerdiagnose. Nachrichtentechnik/Elektronik, (30) 1980, H.3, pp.96-102.
  8. R. Ubar.Test generation for digital circuits using alternative graphs. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, Estonia, No.409, 1976, pp.75-81 (in Russian).

2. New Test Generation Methods

2.1. Hierarchical Test Synthesis for Digital Systems.
On the basis of generalization of DDs, new test generation methods for complex multi-level systems have been developed.
Differently from known methods both, higher and lower design abstraction levels, and both, control and data paths are handled by uniform fault models and procedures. Joint formal basis for gate- and higher level descriptions allowed to adopt and generalize gate-level methods to higher level ones, and to increase the test generation efficiency.
A novel conception of mixed level combining of deterministic and random techniques in test generation is introduced. On the RT-level, deterministic path activating is combined with random techniques used in constraints solving. The gate-level local test patterns for components are randomly generated driven by high-level constraints and partial path activation solutions. The technique of mixing deterministic and random approaches allows more efficiently handle high-level constraints while deriving local test patterns for components.
Top-down and bottom-up approaches are combined in the same framework which allows to increase the efficiency of the test generation for a broader class of digital systems.
The new hierarchical test generator shows the highest speed compared to the known generators for a given set of internationally recognized benchmark circuits [7].
The dramatic increase in the speed of test generation was reached by simplifying the fault propagation procedure, which in some cases may lead to a lower fault coverage. For the given bechmark circuits, however, the loss in fault coverage was minimal.


  1. J.Raik, R. Ubar. Sequential Circuit Test Generation Using Decision Diagram Models. IEEE Proc. of  Design Automation and Test in Europe. Munich, March  9-12, 1999.
  2. R. Ubar. Combining Functional and Structural Approaches in Test Generation for Digital Systems. Journal of Microelectronics and Reliability, Elsevier Science Ltd. Vol. 38:3, pp.317-329, 1998.
  3. M.Brik, G.Jervan, A.Markus, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Hierarchical Test Generation for Digital Systems. In "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems". Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.131-136, 1998.
  4. G.Jervan, A.Markus, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Mixed-Level Deterministic-Random Test Generation for Digital Systems. Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. Lodz (Poland), June 18-20, 1998, pp. 335-340.
  5. J.Raik, R.Ubar. Hierarchical Test Generation for Digital Systems Based on Combining Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. Orlando, Florida, July 12-16, 1998, Vol.1, pp. 374-381.
  6. G. Jervan, A.Markus, J. Raik, R. Ubar. Assembling Low-Level Tests to High-Level  Symbolic Test Frames. IEEE 15th NORCHIP Conference, Tallinn, November 10-11, 1997, pp. 275-280.
  7. R. Ubar. Test Synthesis with Alternative Graphs. IEEE Design and Test of Computers. Spring, 1996, pp.48-59.

2.2. Test Generation for Finite State Machines
A new multi-level solution of automated test pattern generation (ATPG) and fault diagnosis in finite state machines based on DDs was developed. For the description of functions, structure and faults in FSM, three levels are used: functional level (state transition diagrams), logical or signal-path level and gate level. For all these levels, uniform description language, uniform fault model and uniform procedures for ATPG and test analysis were developed. This uniformity allows easily to move and carry partial results from level to level when solving the tasks mentioned.
The ATPG approach proposed allows to solve the inconsistencies of signals by backtracking at the level where signals were assigned without crossing level borders. This helps to reduce search area, and the complexity of test generation for sequential circuits is reduced nearly to the complexity of the combinational circuits.


  1. R.Ubar, M.Brik. Multi-Level Test Generation and Fault Diagnosis for Finite State Machines. Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 1150. Dependable Computing - EDCC-2. Springer-Verlag, 1996, pp.264-281.
  2. R. Ubar. Fault Diagnosis in Digital Devices. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Engineering, 1995, No. 1/1, pp.51-67.

2.3. Functional Test Generation for Microprocessors
High level approach is used, which makes the solution independent of internal circuit details. This independence is important to designers of microprocessor-based systems, where main sources of information are user manuals. The task of input data preparation can be distributed between different experts with different skills: a designer produces the description of the system, a test programmer prepares subroutine templates for the test equipment, and a test expert should create local test data for testing functions (if the gate-level implementation of these functions is known, the local test data can be generated automatically).
The methods developed are uniform for different levels of hierarchy, for example, for behavioral (instruction sets or procedural descriptions), functional (macrocomponent netlists),  or for logical (gate netlists) levels.
The the following advantages were obtained: independency of tests from the given tester, reduced memory cost because of concisely structured tests, and reduced time cost for loading test data which allows to increase the throughput of tester.


  1. R.Ubar, A.Markus, G.Jervan, J.Raik. Fault Model and Test Synthesis for RISC Processors. Baltic Electronics Conference. Proceedings. Tallinn, October 7-11, 1996, pp. 229-232.
  2. R. Ubar. Test Generation for Digital Systems Based on Alternative Graphs Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 852. Dependable Computing - EDCC-1. Springer-Verlag, 1994, pp.151-164.
  3. R.Ubar, J.Dushina, H.Krupnova, S.Storozhev, V.Zaugarov. Functional Test Program Generation for Digital Systems. Proc. of the 6. Workshop "Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen", Vaals (Niederlande), March 6-8, pp. 14-18, 1994.
  4. R.Ubar, K.Kuchcinski, Z.Peng. Test generation of digital systems at functional level. The 2nd European Test Conference, Munich, Germany, April 10-12, 1991.
  5. T.Lohuaru, R.Ubar. A set of tools for diagnosis of digital devices. PC World, Information Computer Enterprise, Moscow, No1, 1991, pp.122-125.
  6. R. Ubar. Test Generation for Digital Systems on the Vector Alternative Graph Model. Proc. of the 13th Annual Int. Symp. on Fault Tolerant Computing, Milano, Italy, 1983, pp.374-377.

2.4. Gate-Level Test Generation
A novel low.level test generation approach was developed based on structurally synthesized BDDs (SSBDD) which provide a compact representation of gate-level circuits, unlike traditional BDDs they support directly gate-level faults.
Traditional PODEM test generation algorithm was implemented on SSBDDs, which showed higher speed than earlier gate-level PODEM implementations.


  1. R. Ubar. Combining Functional and Structural Approaches in Test Generation for Digital Systems. Journal of Microelectronics and Reliability, Elsevier Science Ltd. Vol. 38:3, pp.317-329, 1998.
  2. J.Raik, R.Ubar. Feasibility of Structurally Synthesized BDD Models for Test Generation. Proc. of the IEEE European Test Workshop, Barcelona, May 27-29, 1998, pp.145-146.
  3. J.Raik, R.Ubar. Test Generation with Structurally Synthesized BDD Models. Proceedings of the 5th Electronic Devices and Systems Conference, Brno, June 11-12, 1998, pp.66-68.
  4. E.Ivask, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Comparison of Genetic and Random Techniques for Test Pattern Generation. Proc. of the 6th Baltic Electronics Conference, Oct. 7-9, 1998, Tallinn, pp. 163-166.
  5. A.Markus, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Test Set Minimization Using Bipartite Graphs. Proc. of the 6th Baltic Electronics Conference, Oct. 7-9, 1998, Tallinn, pp. 175-178.

3. New Approaches to Fault Simulation

3.1. High Level Fault Simulation
A new conceptual approach based on high-level decision diagrams for simulation of digital systems was developed. DDs allow to uniformly describe a wide class of digital systems on mixed logical and functional levels. This class contains random logic, traditionally treated at the gate level, as well as complex digital circuits like microprocessors, controllers etc., traditionally described at the procedural or RTL levels. Unlike the HDL-based descriptions, DDs give an excellent formal basis for diagnostic analysis of digital systems, and allow to create more efficient CAD tools than event-driven HDL-based simulators for functional simulation as well as for fault analysis and testing purposes. Due to the fact that only a part of DDs should be traced during simulation and due to neglecting the time specific information inherent in HDL descriptions, the speed of simulation on DDs can be drastically increased in comparison to traditional event-driven simulators.
The research has been carried out in a close cooperation with Laboratories CSI and TIMA in Grenoble, France.


  1. R.Leveugle, R. Ubar. Modeling VHDL Clock-Driven Multi-Processes by Decision Diagrams. In "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems". Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
  2. R.Ubar, A.Moraviec, J.Raik. Cycle-based Simulation with Decision Diagrams. IEEE Proc. of Design Automation and Test in Europe. Munich, March  9-12, 1999.
  3. R. Ubar. Behavioral Level Modeling of Digital Systems for Testing Purposes. 42nd International Conference, Ilmenau, September 22-25, 1997.

3.2. Fault Simulation at the Gate Level
A new method was developed for fault analysis based on combining the parallel backward critical path tracing inside fanout free regions (FFR) with parallel forward critical path tracing between FFRs for FFR stem fault analysis. The detectability of all given faults is calculated by one simulation pass simultaneously for N test patterns, where N is the length of the computer word. Because of reducing the complexity of the network model to be analysed and because of the fault collapsing on FFR paths to only two representative faults, the efficiency of the simulation rises and the capacity of the memory needed reduces, compared to the known gate- or macro-level approaches.


  1. R. Ubar. Behavioral Level Modeling of Digital Systems for Testing Purposes. 42nd Int. Conference, Ilmenau, Sept. 22-25, 1997.
  2. R. Ubar. Parallel Critical Path Tracing Fault Simulation. Proc. of the 39th Int. Conference. Ilmenau, Sept. 27-30, 1994. Band 1, pp. 399-404.
  3. R. Ubar. Analysis of Diagnostic Tests for Combinational Circuits by Method of Backtracking of Faults. Automation and Remote Control, Vol.40, No.11, part 2, Nov. 1978. Plenum Publishing Corporation, USA, pp. 1254-1260.

3.3. Dynamic Simulation Methods
A new efficient multi-valued simulation approach for combinational or scan-path circuits for delay fault analysis, hazard detection or dynamic test analysis was developed. Its basic idea is substituting the traditional gate-level waveform calculation by nested Boolean differential calculus on structurally synthesized BDDs. Introducing SSBDDs allows to reduce the complexity of the model by replacing low-level two-input-gate networks with higher macro-level representations. It is not needed to create for each new macro-block a separate dedicated multi-valued model. Instead, from the gate-level description automatically a SSBDD-representation will be created, where a single general procedure for all types of macros will be used. Experimental results showed the efficiency of the new approach, compared to the traditional gate-level simulation. The efficiency of simulation is increasing with increasing the number of levels in the gate-level circuit.


  1. R. Ubar. Multi-Valued Simulation of Digital Circuits with Structurally Synthesized Binary Decision Diagrams. OPA (Overseas Publishers Assotiation) N.V. Gordon and Breach Publishers, Multiple Valued Logic, Vol.4  pp. 141-157, 1998.
  2. R. Ubar. Dynamic Analysis of Digital Circuits with 5-valued Simulation. In "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems". Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.187-192, 1998.
  3. R. Ubar. Dynamic Analysis of Digital Circuits with Multi-Valued Simulation. Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier Science Ltd., Vol. 29, No. 11, Nov. 1998, pp.821-826.

4. New Methods for Estimating Fault-Tolerance of Systems

A new technique was developed to select malicious faults for dependability validation of fault-tolerant systems. A high-level fault analysis method based on decision diagrams is applied. Thanks to the generality of DDs, the present approach is independent from the fault model. This independence allows easy introduction of hierarchy and multilevel fault handling.
The main idea of the approach is to carry out fault analysis and malicious fault list generation at a higher behavioral level where the complexity of the model is low. The high-level reduced fault list will be translated then into a lower-level fault list. In such a way, low-level fault analysis in low-level circuit descriptions can be avoided.
Differently from the known method based on using data flow diagrams where only data fault analysis is possible, the new method is more general, and allows explicit handling in a uniform way of both data and control faults.
Instead of expanding the full explicit data flow whose size can explode, fault tracing is carried out on the compressed high-level DD-model to build up a fault tree.
A new result is also integration of different methods for fault collapsing. On a simple high-level example it was shown that the new method allowed to reduce the malicious fault candidate list more than 4 times for control faults and more than twice for data faults.
The research has been carried out in a close cooperation with the research group of prof. Prinetto at Politechnico di Torino, Italy.


  1. A. Benso, P.Prinetto, M.Rebaudengo, M.Sonza, R.Ubar. A New Approach to Build a Low-Level Malicious Fault List Starting from High-Level Description and Alternative Graphs. Proc. IEEE European Design & Test Conference, Paris, March 17-20, 1997.
  2. A.Benso, P.Prinetto, M.Rebaudengo, M.Sonza Reorda, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Exploiting High-Level Descriptions for Circuits Fault Tolerance Assessments.  1997 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems. Paris, October 20-22, 1997, pp. 212-216.

5. Verification and Design Error Diagnosis

A new approach is presented to automatically diagnose single gate design errors in combinational circuits. The main original feature of the method is the idea of mapping stuck-at fault diagnosis results into the final localization of the design error. This allows to use the test patterns and fault tables generated by traditional stuck-at fault test generators to produce design error diagnosis.
The other important features of the approach are: hierarchical approach, based on using structurally synthesized BDDs, and the use of very powerful error detection and fault localization procedures based on SSBDDs.
The future research in this field is directed to the case of multiple design errors and to the case of complex gates. The use of word level DDs seems to be very efficient in design error diagnosis at higher functional levels like RTL or behavioral ones.
The research is carried out in a close cooperation with the research group of prof. Borrione at the TIMA Laboratory in Grenoble, France.


  1. R.Ubar, D.Borrione. Generation of Tests for the Localization of Single-Gate Design Errors in Combinational Circuits Using the Stuck-at Fault Model. Proc. of the 11th IEEE Brasilian Symposium on Integrated Circuit Design. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 30 – Oct. 3, 1998, pp.51-54
  2. R.Ubar, D.Borrione. Localization of Single-Gate Design Errors in Combinational Circuits by Diagnostic Information about Stuck-at Faults. Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Szczyrk, Poland, Sept. 2-4, 1998, pp.73-79.
  3. R.Ubar, D.Borrione. Single Gate Design Error Diagnosis in Combinational Circuits. Proceedings of the Estonian Acad. of Sci. Engng, 1999, Vol. 5 , No 1, pp.3-21.

6. Design for Testability

A new technique for calculating the testability measures of combinational circuits represented by structurally synthesized BDDs is presented. The following advantages of the technique can be outlined: 1) instead of gate-level, higher macro-level is considered which reduces the complexity of the model; 2) no libraries of controllability and observability models for macros are needed; 3) a generic procedure developed for SSBDDs can be used for different testability measures defined either in probabilistic or heuristic ways; 4) the proposed method has overcome the problem of reconvergent fanouts at the subcircuit (macro) level, which allows to calculate exact probabilities by a simple cumulative procedure.
The new technique to testability analysis is applicable for sequential and combinational circuits specified at higher functional levels. The primary use of the developed testability measures will be in the evaluation of various designs in the early de-sign phase. Since the measures are defined at the higher level compared to the gate level, they can be used early in the design process, before the final implementation is available. The new technique developed is based on DDs which allow a uniform representation of both combinational and sequential circuits. Known methods for testability calculation are based on different models for these types of circuits, in particular, BDDs for combinational circuits and state tables for sequential circuits, and therefore they require different techniques and algorithms for calculation. Another advantage of new algorithms is the generality in regard to different testability measures.
This research is currently carried on in a close cooperation with prof. Zebo Peng at Linköping University, Sweden.


  1. R.Ubar, J.Heinlaid, J.Raik, L.Raun. Calculation of Testability Measures on Structurally Synthesized Binary Decision Diagrams. Proc. of the 6th Baltic Electronics Conference, Oct. 7-9, 1998, Tallinn, pp. 179-182.
  2. R.Ubar, K.Kuchcinski. Functional Level Testability Analysis for Digital Circuits. Proc. of European Test Conference ETC'93, Rotterdam, April 19-22, 1993, pp.545-546.
  3. R.Ubar, K.Kuchcinski, Z.Peng. Test generation of digital systems at functional level. The 2nd European Test Conference, Munich, Germany, April 10-12, 1991.

7. Development of CAD Software for Automatization of Test Design

On the mathematical basis of structurally synthesized BDDs a set of new algorithms and CAD tools for solving test design tasks on the logical level representation of digital circuits has been developed and implemented in a software system Turbo-Tester.
The software package consists of the following tools: test pattern generation for circuits with scan-path (deterministic, random and genetic approaches), test quality analysis for stuck-at and delay faults (fault simulation and parallel critical path tracing method), multivalued simulation (for hazard analysis and dynamic testing), fault grading (for estimating the quality of random testing and Built-In Self-Test architectures – BILBO, Circular Self Test Path). The package has been introduced into the university teaching, it has been used in teaching in Estonia, Finland and Sweden.


  1. R. Ubar. Teaching Dependability Issues in System Engineering at the Technical University of Tallinn. Global J. of Engineering Education, Vol.2, No 2, 1998 UICEE, Printed in Australia, pp. 215-218.
  2. G.Jervan, A.Markus, P.Paomets, J.Raik, R.Ubar. Turbo Tester: A CAD System for Teaching Digital Test. In "Microelectronics Education". Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.287-290, 1998.
  3. R.Ubar, P.Paomets, J.Raik. Low-Cost CAD System for Teaching Digital Test. Microelectronics Education. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 1996, p.185-188.
  4. R. Ubar, A. Buldas, P. Paomets, J.Raik, V. Tulit. A PC-based CAD System for Training Digital Test. 5th  EUROCHIP Workshop on VLSI Design Training. Dresden, October 17-19, 1994, pp.152-157.

8. Development activities in microelectronics design

8.1.  CC – a cryptographical module for digital communications.
8.2.  Digital Encryption Standard Macroblock – a design for an ASIC (contract with Fincitec OY Finland).


  1. J.Põldre, K.Tammemäe, M.Mandre. Modular Exponent Realization on FPGAs Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1482. Field-Programmable Logic and Applications. Springer-Verlag, 1998, pp.336-347.
  2. A.Buldas, J.Põldre. A VLSI Implementation of RSA and IDEA encryption engine IEEE 15th NORCHIP Conference, Tallinn, November 10-11, 1997,  pp. 281-288.

9.  Software Developed in the Laboratory

a) Tools for test generation and fault analysis dor digital circuits and systems

b) Converters

c) Libraries

d) Scripts for synthesis